April Favourites

I know this is not the usual type of thing you get on blogs but I’ve watched so many of them on youtube and enjoy being nosy about what people have enjoyed using. As I enjoy being nosy I figured you probably do to so here you are…

april favs main image

The thing I’ve enjoyed most this month is Crunchy Peanut Butter, I know I’m weird but it tastes so good I’ve basically eaten it every day.  In the picture the pot is practically empty as I’ve eaten us out of house and home(peanut butter wise).

april favs dry shampooAnother thing I’ve been loving is Batiste dry shampoo. I use the cherry scented one because the smell reminds of a holiday I had a few years ago. As my hair gets greasy quite easily it comes in handy often especially  as it adds volume and curls to my hair as well.

I have also liked using the body shop blusher brush as it is super soft and cleans easily. (I don’t have to scrub it every few weeks just to get out some powder. )

april favs lushThis I have loved practically my whole life but recently I have really enjoyed there yuzu and cocoa bubbleroon. Yes, of course I’m talking about LUSH. Who else would combine such interesting ingredients and get such magical results . I love this product and have bought it at least twice in the past month. Although it is quite hard to wash off the bath tub I completely recommend it to anyone. Girls or boys. Old or young.

From LUSH to The Body Shop I’ve recently been really enjoying there mango scented range. Especially now I have the mango scented perfume. I am now currently obsessed with this range and cant get enough of it.

Another thing I’ve been fantasising over is the book Wonder by R.J.Palacio. Which by the way broke me. I never , like ever, cry at books or movies yet I felt heartbroken by the time I got to chapter 29(which is actually quite early on in the book). Really this book is aimed for young teens but I would recommend it to all. I’m not going to say any more because I don’t want to spoil it.

april favs book

Last but by no means least I have been loving almonds. Yes, almonds. I have been completely obsessing over them and enjoy every bite.

So there you are. Lasts months favourites. They are a bit strange but hey, so am I. If you enjoy this type of blog style let me know in the comments and I’ll be sure to do more of them.

P.S. sorry for the bad camera quality I had to use my phone




2 Comments Add yours

  1. lexilife says:

    Love reading april favourites! Batiste is my all year round favourite haha Great post xx



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